Monday, March 16, 2009

March, the second half.

It's the second half of March, officially, which means it's time for me to amend the business plan. Again.

I rather enjoy doing these, as they are half status updates, half statements of intentions and half a list of goals accomplished. Yes, I know those halves don't add up.

I think the biggest things are to define the degree of wedding experience I want to get as a second shooter -- or as a primary shooter who does NOT specialize in portraits. Realistically, I have no time for this until autumn/winter so it is likely to stay on the back burner. Exceptions to this would be if I scrapped all of my own plans to show this summer and only did photography. I'm also likely to burn out completely.

Important but also for the fall/winter is membership into ASPP (American Society of Photoshop Professionals) and the classes that they offer. I have a lot of basics to do along with my own work and assignments. I cannot utilize everything they have to offer until I do my 'homework' first, so this is a longer plan.

Immediate needs are selling off excess equipment and deciding on a tax accountant. Yes, doing that. I know of so many who screw things up, but I'm shaky enough on my depreciation calculations and how I should set things up the first year to know that I'm better off seeking a pro. Now, a good pro? That's a question to debate.

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