Saturday, May 30, 2009

the 'art' in an event

Having spent the day shooting my first USDF rated show today (rinse, repeat for tomorrow) I realized that one thing I miss about the 'event photography' of horse shows is well, the photography.

There's really not that much art in it, is there? Well, yes I know the tests and plan the sections to photograph and which moments to capture and where the sun is at (or not at when it decided to rain...), eye on my ISO and aperture while dealing with bright sun to thunderstorms and moving myself around the outside of the arena to get the best shots.

But the ART of photography, the creativity ... it's just not there for me. I can do both at weddings, but somehow at a horse show it is ALL about 'the moment' and once captured I sit there hoisting my camera (heavy sucker, but I don't tripod/monpod for dressage) against my shoulder wondering what else I could be doing.

ok ok so I'm good at getting headshots while they go flying by and have gotten good orders from those alone, but there's something missing. Maybe if more of the prep and hanging out were done in view of where I stood I'd shoot that, but it's done in the barn and it's very much bam-bam-bam, test after test without much time to wander and just snap horses.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pattern mad

One of the benefits of 'vacation' is the time to sit out and read photography books - specifically ones on patterns and textures. Then picking up the camera and going out to have fun with it.

yes, California was good to me :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

onward! with success

Photo orders are coming in from the dressage schooling show about two weeks ago. Alas, a migraine and a week of showing delayed the upload by a week *cringe*. I'd never plan on such a delay, but such it was.

First USDF rated show this weekend!! Quite excited and the photos from two weeks ago show I can get those 'moments' that pay off, literally. Both the D3 and D200 did admirably well, although I swapped lenses around as it got darker into the evening. Hopefully this show will run on time.

AND I will wear sunblock this time! heh.

Design wise, I've a simple but eye catching 1/2 page ad to put together for the program. I picked up the 3rd edition of the Non-Designer's Design Book to get some basic concept (back) into my head for this so it's at least semi respectable. 24 hours to do it, wish me luck.

And then two very long days -- but only one arena (thankfully!). I've some early morning shots I want to get in the soft light with requests to get more candids and such around the barn between rides. I enjoy those the most, as it keeps the creativity going between the tests.

Also confirmation of helping out with cross country photos at the local USEA event in mid/end June so that'll be a blast for me. Much fun in all forms, plus it's CROSS COUNTRY! So aside from when I'm tacking up/riding/cooling out, I'll be out there clicking away and getting to watch all the fun at least in my area of the course.

Reading continues with a very adventerous pattern study while back in California. Lots of photos to go through, but the orders and Ad are first, then my own stuff.

And Sirens? will be Awesome :D

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lensbaby class continued

aaaaaand this is where one $150 lens does better than ones 10x the cost. Rock on littl' babe.

cheap? naw....

"Wakeboard photoshoot on private lake in Delta Utah for Wakeology Wakeboards. Short notice, but if you are interested or live in the area please come shoot.

* Location: Delta Utah
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: Noon to 5pm $100 for time and a copy of all photos "

MUHAHAHAHAHhhahahaha ahhahahahahahahah coughcoughcough hahahahahahahahaha.

Let me tack on a $1000 insurance requirement for getting camera that close to water, $500 sunburn factor and $200 to deal with your cheapness.

now, THAT would be worth it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

learning, planning, reading, plotting

Surprise! the Digital Photography Book (vol. 2) was more than the random collection of common sense tidbits I had expected. I folded down pages to come back and reference (and take notes on) for later much more often than I expected. Of course, it had a LOT to do with lighting and portraits -- hello, my two week areas. This is enough for me to be *eager* for volume 3 when it is released soon, rather than seeing it as a chore to review for the sake of reviewing and for dgrin's benefit.

I wonder if I could get a paid job reviewing these books for photography magazines?

On the business thread, I've two choices for wedding photography -- I either do the unthinkable and deeply undercut rates for the sake of a wedding or two to get my portfolio built up, THEN start booking like normal. J's wedding is in mid-October and I need to get that experience sooner than later.

Nik's Posing the Light workshop in June will do a LOT for me in this area, but unless I hand around bridal veils, not much for weddings. (Although that's an idea...)

If getting my foot in the door means kicking it in and taking whomever comes (fates with me, they will be good decent folks who just canot afford a $3k photographer) for the first few shoots that work with my schedule (yet another issue, helllllo weekday weddings).

D. said he passed my information on as a 2nd shooter to a very good wedding photographer in the SLC area, but my online portfolio? NOT what it should be and unless she spends time searching, she wouldn't find anything to recommend me. So the best I can hope for is to get my 'act' together and then ask him to mention me again with the updating wedding-specific portfolio. The fact I've done weddings in the past and do candids VERY well -- is all on film. Owned by other people, so impossible to scan for my portfolio. Such is that fate.

Real Estate photography also appeals a LOT to me -- flexible and I love making designs out of straight rooms and compassing what is there, making it look even better than what the eye can perceive in the largest of rooms. Fortunately in this I DO have a portfolio, I only need to launch the marketing. Also looking into tethering a laptop/netboo so that there's SOME bigger screen for the client (realtor) to see so that they are certain to get the shots they need for THEIR clients (homeowners/sellers). Research in progress.

OTHERWISE, lower key show this Wednesday, but yet another GREAT way to get my name and face out there. There was the possibility of another this Saturday, but looks like I'll be off showing myself instead. Maybe. I'll finalize this on Wednesday.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

geek est moi

The reading continues although I find myself losing some of my focus. I believe a good part of this has to do with the note taking, since I can only chronically take notes in one book at a time. Which means I should finish the Complete Digital Photography book asap.

However, current reads include:


(which is actually turning out to be more useful than originally expected....)

The Negotiating book is DONE and underlined and notated and everything else. That is definitely one to go through again many times in this career. It's an excellent book and only sad that it's not as popular or well known. Which only shows how badly so many photographers do business. alas!

First 'real' shoot of the season is next Wednesday after work - a schooling dressage show but a full day and MUCH excellent practice for me on all sides. I'll do a minimal set up but have plenty of cards, treats, etc. I also have e-mails so I can let folks know when all the photos are uploaded.

Next Saturday is a conflict -- I'm rather hoping the regular photographer WILL shoot their dressage show, as I've a show I want to head off to to get experience in for my student and greenie. It's definitely a tricky thing -- and a sacrifice -- to shoot the same events you want to participate in.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

more baby work....

Lensbaby work that is.....

Working on the even blur. Left side is my weakness:

Macros still fascinate me...

Alas, some inages just don't do well on other uncalibrated monitors. but i love this one:

And while uninspiring, at least this is technically correct for what we want this week (sweet spot in the middle):

Monday, May 4, 2009

My summer, 2009

* = there may be an official show photographer, contact me and let me know what you want (portraits, action, etc) and we'll see if it's possible.

30-31st: ICP Workshop w/ Brian Sabo @ Promontory

28th: USDF Lunging clinic @ Promontory


4th: Zephyr Jumping Show (attending, photography on request)*
17th-19th: World Cup Vegas! see you there :)

2nd: Schooling Day @ Promontory
13th: Hoofprints Schooling Dressage Show
16th: Lynnleigh Dressage Show (photography on request)*
17th: Lynnleigh Jumper Show (attending, photography on request)*
30-31st: Dressage I @ Promontory USDF

5th-6th: Chicken Event (attending, photography on request)*
10th: Hoofprints Schooling Dressasge Show
18th-20th: Golden Spike H.T. (attending, photography on request)*
27th-28th: Jimmy Wofford Clinic @ Promontory

3rd-4th: UHJA show (attending, photography on request)*
5th: Promontory Annual Show
11th: JBE 2-phase event (attending, photography on request)*
15th: Hoofprints Schooling Dressage Show
31st: Alta Hills H/J (attending, photography on request)*

1st: Schooling Day @ Promontory
8th: Rose Ranch Jumper Show (attending, photography on request)*
12th: Hoofprints Schooling Dressage Show
15th: JBE H.T. @ Zephyr (attending, photography on request)*
22nd: Colorado Horse Park Horse Trials (attending, photography on request)*
28-29th: Pumpkin Event (attending, photography on request)*

5-6th: DRESSAGE II @ Promontory USDF
19th: Lynnleigh Jumper Show (attending, photography on request)*
26th: JBE 2-phase Show (attending, photography on request)*

1-4th: Sirens Conference, Vail CO (see details below!)
10th: Wedding in California

Current reading status - aka my photography education continues

The current reading list has rather expanded -- not because I've more books (I've those a plenty plus library holds), but because I seem to be rather A/D/D about what I read right now.

This book is one that I picked up AGES ago as a comprehensive 'teach me' book about digital photography. Ironically, many of the things I had to search around to get answers for ... I had answers for right in here. Lesson 432: use your resources!
However, as I have it, it makes for good review reading and I expect to learn a few more tidbits that I didn't know before. It'll also be a great review for DGrin once I figure out what target market this book is best suited for from my pov. It's not lightweight reading but not too heavyweight either. It's definitely easier since 90% of it is 'review' for me these days. It'd be daunting as a first time newbie read although HIGHLY educational.

I've come to REALLY like Petterson's writing style, so I was willing to give this one a go, although it doesn't talk about Composition as much as I might want it to. I've started it, but not enough in to figure out his definition of 'creative seeing'. But this starts to hit on my current weakness -- composition. I compose naturally, which works most of the time but NOT ALWAYS. I need to make this a more conscious step for a while until I get better at it. Then I can let composition fall into the 'natural' level and let it be what it is. I need those skills to pull out when I'm in a tight spot or just not feeling the photo doing the scene justice.

In that tune, this is the first of Michael Freeman's books. Visually stunning, he appears to be a visual teacher rather than a talker. Petterson is a combination of both -- others I've had are 99% talk (which I rather like). Freeman has a series of other books out there that I want to investigate further, IF I can get enough out of this book to justify the efforts. However, I believe this just might BE the composition book I really need. I'll have to dig in deeper (probably finishing up Petterson's book first) and see what I can uncover beyond the stunning photos.

And this is my current hardcore reading. Hard core enough that i'm underlining and will take notes later once I've processed everything. A HUGELY invaluable book, I only wish I'd come across it sooner. Fortunately I've a few projects on my plate, so I read with those projects in mind and how I can proceed with the necessary (legally required) negotiations.

Toss in the Lensbaby class (more photos later!) and there's plenty to learn this month!

Friday, May 1, 2009

day the first...a start

Motivation can be a fickle friend but there's much to be done.

And much to ponder.