Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Books galore!

Another book down, another one started. I might be devouring these, but also taking notes as needed and processing a LOT of this information for my own use.

This time, it's "Legal Handbook for Photographers" which had the benefit of being a thin book. But once I got into it, I'm finding it rather facinating. Then again, I did enjoy that Business Law class in school too and we had a full fledged Law Book for text in that class.

John Shaw's "Closeups In Nature" is done with and left me with an urge to crawl around on my hands and knees outside and see what I can photograph. It's an excellent book although he takes time to go over the basics, there's also a good reason for that. Regardless if you know the basics of photography, you need to understand how it changes when you get so close to your subject -- or start magnifying at 1.5x or more.

I did find a NEW book coming out from the 'Understanding Exposure' writer that's specifically about macro work. This will be fun/good since it'll be updated for the digital age and not go on and on about Kodachrome 65 vs. 25 usage (okok I admit that got a tad old). I'll have that at the end of this month and will review it asap to share on dgrin as well as update the book reviews there. Of course, that's only next week so it's not that far away.

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