Saturday, May 30, 2009

the 'art' in an event

Having spent the day shooting my first USDF rated show today (rinse, repeat for tomorrow) I realized that one thing I miss about the 'event photography' of horse shows is well, the photography.

There's really not that much art in it, is there? Well, yes I know the tests and plan the sections to photograph and which moments to capture and where the sun is at (or not at when it decided to rain...), eye on my ISO and aperture while dealing with bright sun to thunderstorms and moving myself around the outside of the arena to get the best shots.

But the ART of photography, the creativity ... it's just not there for me. I can do both at weddings, but somehow at a horse show it is ALL about 'the moment' and once captured I sit there hoisting my camera (heavy sucker, but I don't tripod/monpod for dressage) against my shoulder wondering what else I could be doing.

ok ok so I'm good at getting headshots while they go flying by and have gotten good orders from those alone, but there's something missing. Maybe if more of the prep and hanging out were done in view of where I stood I'd shoot that, but it's done in the barn and it's very much bam-bam-bam, test after test without much time to wander and just snap horses.

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