Wednesday, May 27, 2009

onward! with success

Photo orders are coming in from the dressage schooling show about two weeks ago. Alas, a migraine and a week of showing delayed the upload by a week *cringe*. I'd never plan on such a delay, but such it was.

First USDF rated show this weekend!! Quite excited and the photos from two weeks ago show I can get those 'moments' that pay off, literally. Both the D3 and D200 did admirably well, although I swapped lenses around as it got darker into the evening. Hopefully this show will run on time.

AND I will wear sunblock this time! heh.

Design wise, I've a simple but eye catching 1/2 page ad to put together for the program. I picked up the 3rd edition of the Non-Designer's Design Book to get some basic concept (back) into my head for this so it's at least semi respectable. 24 hours to do it, wish me luck.

And then two very long days -- but only one arena (thankfully!). I've some early morning shots I want to get in the soft light with requests to get more candids and such around the barn between rides. I enjoy those the most, as it keeps the creativity going between the tests.

Also confirmation of helping out with cross country photos at the local USEA event in mid/end June so that'll be a blast for me. Much fun in all forms, plus it's CROSS COUNTRY! So aside from when I'm tacking up/riding/cooling out, I'll be out there clicking away and getting to watch all the fun at least in my area of the course.

Reading continues with a very adventerous pattern study while back in California. Lots of photos to go through, but the orders and Ad are first, then my own stuff.

And Sirens? will be Awesome :D

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