Saturday, May 9, 2009

geek est moi

The reading continues although I find myself losing some of my focus. I believe a good part of this has to do with the note taking, since I can only chronically take notes in one book at a time. Which means I should finish the Complete Digital Photography book asap.

However, current reads include:


(which is actually turning out to be more useful than originally expected....)

The Negotiating book is DONE and underlined and notated and everything else. That is definitely one to go through again many times in this career. It's an excellent book and only sad that it's not as popular or well known. Which only shows how badly so many photographers do business. alas!

First 'real' shoot of the season is next Wednesday after work - a schooling dressage show but a full day and MUCH excellent practice for me on all sides. I'll do a minimal set up but have plenty of cards, treats, etc. I also have e-mails so I can let folks know when all the photos are uploaded.

Next Saturday is a conflict -- I'm rather hoping the regular photographer WILL shoot their dressage show, as I've a show I want to head off to to get experience in for my student and greenie. It's definitely a tricky thing -- and a sacrifice -- to shoot the same events you want to participate in.

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