Monday, May 4, 2009

Current reading status - aka my photography education continues

The current reading list has rather expanded -- not because I've more books (I've those a plenty plus library holds), but because I seem to be rather A/D/D about what I read right now.

This book is one that I picked up AGES ago as a comprehensive 'teach me' book about digital photography. Ironically, many of the things I had to search around to get answers for ... I had answers for right in here. Lesson 432: use your resources!
However, as I have it, it makes for good review reading and I expect to learn a few more tidbits that I didn't know before. It'll also be a great review for DGrin once I figure out what target market this book is best suited for from my pov. It's not lightweight reading but not too heavyweight either. It's definitely easier since 90% of it is 'review' for me these days. It'd be daunting as a first time newbie read although HIGHLY educational.

I've come to REALLY like Petterson's writing style, so I was willing to give this one a go, although it doesn't talk about Composition as much as I might want it to. I've started it, but not enough in to figure out his definition of 'creative seeing'. But this starts to hit on my current weakness -- composition. I compose naturally, which works most of the time but NOT ALWAYS. I need to make this a more conscious step for a while until I get better at it. Then I can let composition fall into the 'natural' level and let it be what it is. I need those skills to pull out when I'm in a tight spot or just not feeling the photo doing the scene justice.

In that tune, this is the first of Michael Freeman's books. Visually stunning, he appears to be a visual teacher rather than a talker. Petterson is a combination of both -- others I've had are 99% talk (which I rather like). Freeman has a series of other books out there that I want to investigate further, IF I can get enough out of this book to justify the efforts. However, I believe this just might BE the composition book I really need. I'll have to dig in deeper (probably finishing up Petterson's book first) and see what I can uncover beyond the stunning photos.

And this is my current hardcore reading. Hard core enough that i'm underlining and will take notes later once I've processed everything. A HUGELY invaluable book, I only wish I'd come across it sooner. Fortunately I've a few projects on my plate, so I read with those projects in mind and how I can proceed with the necessary (legally required) negotiations.

Toss in the Lensbaby class (more photos later!) and there's plenty to learn this month!

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