Showing posts with label utah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label utah. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2010

MS Walk 2010, Salt Lake City

Gifted with an AMAZING day of weather on Saturday, the MS Society of Utah held their annual MS Walk, raising well over $200,000 towards research. In need of photographers, they'd reached out to the local Utah Photowalking group. Not sure if I was going to attend or not, the practice for my VERY long unused photojournalism skills won me over. And the awesome weather.

I'm glad 50x over that I did go, for while it was a long day, it was also a BLAST. Supporting and being a part of something like that is pretty damned amazing. The shots turned out pretty well and hey! I finally had a reason to put my first pano together:

Yes yes, I know. I've taken them before but never bothered to stitch them together. Too boring unless you've the HUGE screen needed to really appreciate them. A 17" MacBook hasn't counted. Hand held at that, I'm pretty impressed with how it turned out -- also gives you a feel of the size and scale of the MS Walk (4000+ people) and how many people came out in support. I'd love to do more non-profit work. It's less stressful and just feels ... right to me. YES this is a business, but these are also skills I can use in many other ways. We'll see what comes.