Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Business Act(ions)

Business tasks:
  • Update the business plan with more specifics on pricing, when to discount and when to not discount.
  • Update SM website for different printing options, solidifying prices for this year
  • Generate price sheets to have available at events.
  • Get into the dgrin coupon thread discussions, since I'm seeing more and more ways I could successfully use these within the business (pre-payments, raffle prizes, etc). chimed in!
  • Complete banner exchange with Sirens - need to get a banner version for my website put together - http://www.catspawphotos.com/gallery/7343754_JcdMc already has their banner set up.
  • Insure equipment! Talk to Hartford as well as the PPA's agency. Include liability
  • Read through the PPA website in much more detail and find out what other benefits I now have.
  • Start collecting 'good' horse photos for the screensaver picture frame to use at shows. Includes post-processing.
  • Put together intro post for EPNet with some of the better horse photos. Create a presence.
  • Keep up Picassa and Flickr sites, using multiple link backs whenever possible.
  • Play through bracketting shots as well as multiple exposure shots
  • Mac mini: load CS4, load the HDR software, set up a GOOD backup program.
  • Decide what to do with the old mac mini? to Erwin
  • Enter most recent data into Quickbooks
  • Go through the Nikon lighting dvds - one section a day, let it absorb.
  • File taxes, schedule C
  • Research real estate contacts to determine how many packets I should put together
  • Find the right flash bracket before Jill's October wedding
  • Write up book reviews for dgrin/Ivar
  • Sell off extra lenses (old Sigmas, etc) - check with Adorama first
  • Send in D50 for maintenance ASAP
  • Integrate this blog with http://www.catspawphotos.com blog page.
  • fix emails for two domains and get them transferred to godaddy.com
  • transfer http://www.catspawphotos.com to godaddy.com
  • set up personalized domin (aka more professional) email account, even if all it does is forward to my gmail account for Catspaw Photos
  • Set up Etsy shop with details, ideally focusing on foam boards and other 'posters' for barns and barn offices
  • Work with Sirens' folks about registration packet insert and donations
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